Craft Business — Website Speed
Grappling With Page Speed Insights
Website Speed and Page Speed Insights I worry. I worry and fuss all the time in case I miss something obvious on my website. I don't want to miss out on sales for my suppliers or myself due to something that is within my power to fix. Therein lies the problem. I don't usually presume that there's much in my power with this kind of technology and dynamics that I can have much effect on yet still I flounder about 'doing all the things' that I think need to be done to improve matters or to even to stay still. ...
I'm Surprised at My Website Speed Improvements
My Website Speed Rating Has Improved SHORELINE ACCESSORIES 'Simple Luxuries Delicately Made' Yes, to my astonishment, my website speed rating jumped from a horrible 26 to 11, to 14. Then to 26, having paid an annual premium of about $10 or the equivalent in euro for a booster app called 'Loadify'. Finally, after much scouting, trawling, learning and implementing it suddenly jumped to 34 one day recently. It has dropped again to 33 but I am still glad, surprised and honestly a little bit bemused by it. Anyone who has been following along will be aware that I have dedicated...