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Craft Life

Moving Forwards In Uncertain Times - So What's Next?

Amanda Coen

Balises Corona Virus, Covid-19, Focus on your goal, Leaving Cert

Moving Forwards In Uncertain Times - So What's Next?

    So Here We Are... Yes, here we are indeed. Covid-19 is part of our day to day reality. The wonder of it all has passed. The frenzy has subsided and we are now for all intents and purposes used to it being around. All be it that the threat of the virus still abounds. We Haven't Run Out Of Toilet Roll.. So, our day to day lives for the most part has steadied itself up on the sea of uncertainty, for the moment at least. If we are lucky, there has been no huge changes in our personal...

How To Maintain Emotional Balance.

How To Maintain Emotional Balance.
How do you maintain emotional balance? Aha! That is an interesting question indeed. Now you may wonder how this topic could possibly relate to Parade Handmade.. Well read on...There is so much to say about this topic and it is something that could be taught as a subject in school methinks... I believe you cannot leave your mood to chance unless you are one of those lucky people who are perpetually 'up' even when the vitamn D in the Winter months is low...

Wow, 15% Off Ditsy Designs Until 15th November!

Wow, 15% Off Ditsy Designs Until 15th November!
Dark Haired Lady Wearing a Cosy Fleece V-Shaped Teal Green and Orange Neck and Chest Warmer Whilst Kneeling In The Long Grass..have you ever redeemed a tedious day by allowing yourself to potter among your craft supplies? If not, you should try it. 15 minutes is all it takes to bring your mind to new plans, designs and possibilities and off the usual wheel of 'to do lists'. Even a small creation like a small brooch or a felted flower can bring me a sense of well being, achievement and order in an otherwise fruitless day sometimes, I find...