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Craft Life

Is every Printed Tote Bag a Sustainable Tote Bag?

Amanda Coen

Tags Tote bags

Is every Printed Tote Bag a Sustainable Tote Bag?

Eco Tote Bags are the 'Sustainable' Alternative   I love shopping bags. We always had a 'shopping bag' in the house when we were children. The same one for years. It was a navy heavy crochet number that was washable and very sturdy. Heavy enough on it's own. It was the one we went for the messages with. 'A pint of milk, ten Carrolls and a box of matches'. When the Smarties add came on the telly where all the Smartie packets tumble out on the road from a massive Smartie tube I always maintained  I'd get the navy shopping...

Aran Wool Hats are Steeped in Tradition and History

Amanda Coen

Tags Aran Hats

Aran Wool Hats are Steeped in Tradition and History

 The Wonderful History of Aran Hats is as Layered as they are Textured. Shop Aran Accessories Here! Aran tradition hats are synonymous with the Aran Islands off the west coast of Connemara in the West of Ireland. They originated from there and are sometimes referred to as 'fisherman's hats'. The reason for this is that for centuries the Aran people have been a fishing community and each clann or extended family guarded their traditional Aran knitting patterns that were used in hats, scarves, jumpers, shawls, gloves and more, as a way of identifying their dead fishermen kin. Sadly losing family...

What's Great about a Hand Knit Beanie from Ireland?

Amanda Coen

What's Great about a Hand Knit Beanie from Ireland?

Hand Knit Beanie's from Ireland So you'd like to know what's so great about them? Some of you may even wonder what they are.. Ha! Let's start there. In https://wikidiff.com a 'beanie is a cap that fits the head closely, usually knitted from wool'. For our purposes this is our definition too or at least part of it. The other main detail is that it is brimless. (Though you can roll up a beanie to make a small turn up if you like). It offers a very clean fit and is a tidy stylish unobtrusive hat to wear. Check out...

Hand Knitted Hats are Always Fashionable in Ireland

Amanda Coen

Tags Hand Knitted Hat, Homemade Knitted hat

Hand Knitted Hats are Always Fashionable in Ireland

Why do we Love Hand Knitted Hats so Much in Ireland? Well I suppose it could be a case of having to. What do I mean? Well, even if you think they don't really suit us sometimes, we need them. A common sense thing. It is better to embrace them than to make them your enemy. SHOP HATS HERE! Let's face it we have very unpredictable weather in Ireland. It is not just of late with the climate change phenomena either. It has always been that way. Everyone is aware of our great changing weather patterns. Raining one minute and...

Refashioned Horseshoes of Thoroughbreds and Work Horses make great Horseshoe Wedding & Christmas Gifts

Amanda Coen

Tags Horseshoe Gifts

Refashioned Horseshoes of Thoroughbreds and Work Horses make great Horseshoe Wedding & Christmas Gifts

Horseshoe Gifts 'Blacksmiths worked with elemental fire and magical iron and were believed to possess special powers.'Lucky Horseshoe Folklore, Liffey Forge While most people agree that when given a horseshoe it is best to hang it above a doorway to spread good luck, there's actually no consensus on whether to hang it pointing up or down. Pointing down fans say luck will be spread to all who pass under the shoe. Pointing up fans say luck will run out unless it's hung with points up as all the good luck and energy will be stored inside. Horseshoes are ancient symbols...