Craft Life
Famous Female Artists - How Many Can You List?
Who are Your Favourite Artists? That's easy to answer even if you are not passionate about art or creativity in general. Some names are hard to miss even amidst all the noise. After that ask yourself who else do you know but whose work you do not like amongst artists. The look and see of all of these two lists how many are female? Then how many are famous female artists who changed the course of history in any way. The further you go into it the harder it gets. I thought I was going to do a little piece...
Creating Art is Possible By Inviting Our Creative Minds
'Can Anyone be Creative?' This is a question often asked. Usually by people who think they can't draw but have a fond wish to be in that coveted 'circle'. Knowing how to draw is really only a tiny part of creativity and you know, humans are creative by nature. Otherwise how on earth have we managed to get to where we are as a race for starters? I intend to get into that part of things, but first I would like to bring your attention to the fact that our creativity shows when we think, rationalise and come up with...
Noreen Sadler the Constant Artist and Champion of Hard Working Women
Noreen Sadler - Constant Artist 'Renowned Westport artist Noreen Sadler officially opened her Mayo Fleadh Cheoil Art Exhibition at the Clew Bay Hotel on Monday, May 8th at 8 pm.' It runs for the month of May. Shop Noreen Sadler Here! Noreen Sadler Busy at Work Noreen, seen above in her studio, painted the beautiful landscape image, one of my favourite paintings. Crocuses in bloom with a backdrop of typically Irish snow capped mountains just coming into Spring. So beautiful. Her style is eclectic. Her work is influenced by cultural themes and natural observation. Her work inspires. 'Spring Crocuses' Anseo is the Name of Her Art Gallery “ANSEO”...
Art Inspiration and Creative Expression in the Art and Craft Studio
Art Inspiration Art inspiration is all around. Life never ceases to amaze and it always seems to beckon for our commentary, reaction and response. There are so many willing responders in the form of artists and creatives of all types and styles and walks of life. Artistry and creativity helps us to express how we feel and helps us to understand what happens in our world. People have always been inspired by nature but it seems to be a big focus at the moment. Perhaps it is because so many of us have been limited to the space we live...
Creative Craft Ideas and Irish Crafts Online
Creative Craft Ideas What could I make today? What could I do for a creative craft project? Have you ever asked yourself that? I have not. My questions would be more about how much I can get done. What I need to do, is ask what will I will not do today because I am in the habit of biting off more than I can chew. This sends me into a fluster of ridiculous proportions that takes ages to recover from. This in turn wastes lots of precious time. Nonetheless, creative craft ideas abound. As the old adage goes 'Necessity...