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Crafting Your Memories: To Personalise or not to Personalise..

Amanda Coen


I'm not sure how old I was but I remember my mother showing me some of her personal treasures when I was a young girl and explaining the significance of particular sentimental mementos to me. These times gave me wonderful glimpses and insights into my mother's world before I ever existed and even before she got married. I had a view, through chinks in time, to a life that was different in many ways.

Key of the Door

There was a silver plastic key with a '21' cut out on it representing 'the key of the door' which was a big thing in those days. Seeing the pretty key stored safely made me realise how special it was back then. The days where most children didn't get a key until they reached this mature age of 21. Personally, I had a key by 13 or 14 years old I think. Though I can't remember receiving it. No fanfare or celebration. It was practical. My dad worked in the city and my mam did too from about then. This kind of set up was becoming more usual by then.

The Epitomy of Style?

One other thing was a flute glass with '21st Birthday Wishes', or something like that, if my memory serves me correctly, printed in white. At the time I thought it was the epitomy of style. Nowadays, I prefer not to have things personalised. Why? You see, I have always been an enthusiastic boot sale, second hand shop, charity shop, rummage sale or sale-of-work goer. Bric-a-brac is plentiful but often a perfectly lovely glass or plate is ruined by someone else's sentimental information on it. 'Happy Anniversary Brian & Mary 12 April 1973' (invented example), is not what I want for my parties. I could go down the route as an interesting hobby, of encompasing these little treasures that formed part of cherished memories of strangers but my own keepsakes would just get mixed up with them. I have seen so many great items thrown to the side because of this kind of thing that it has caused me to reject the personalisation of long lasting items such as glass ware, pottery, metals and such items.

Are Monogrammed Accessories Your Thing?

On the other hand I love the idea of monogrammed towels, hankerchiefs cloth accessories and some clothing. I think it's romantic and special. The up side is that should the item be recycled at some time in the future then a patch or pretty applique can be used to cover it if needed. This kind of thing has become very popular these days. People want things to be special and to 'say something' literally. Somehow they feel it makes a gift extra special. In my business it interests me to know whether my customers really like this sort of style or not and if they do whether I can somehow offer a suitable service to them. At least in some way if not for every gift.

The Question Is..

This leads me to my question of whether to personalise or not to personalise. I would love to know what you think about this. How would you feel about a hat with a particular initial hand embroidered onto it or initials on cross body handbag? Would it be better to emblazon big letters or discreet ones on the front or better to put it inside where only the wearer can see it? Would you prefer applique or embroidery? An initial, a name, a date. Perhaps a whole line of a poem. Like it or not it's all around us so I just thought I would ask.

Personalised Boho Beret by Parade saying 'Love Boho' - Parade Handmade

Hit reply and let me know how you feel about it. I would love to know.

Keep cosy until next time, Amanda

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1 comment

  • I’m not in favour of personalised items. As you say, they are not easily recycled, which is important these days.

    Nuala King

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