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Part 1: Reviving My Artistic Journey

Amanda Coen

There's something you may or may not know about me. I started out as an artist and I have always been one at heart. It is my grand passion. All my appreciation awe and admiration for creativity including craft, singing, dancing, drama, books, and even writing stems from my deep  passion for art. Or at least I believe, that it all comes from the same deep central well—the attraction to colour, a fascination for outlines, composition, form, emotion, a deeper understanding of life, expansive thoughts, dreams, musings, sketches, studies, the urge for self-expression and sharing. All of it.

Facing my grand passion.

Of all the creative disciplines, I find painting and drawing the most freeing and the most terrifying to the point where I constantly distract myself so that I don’t actually have to face it. This has created an inner wrangling that wears away at me constantly. It has been an itch that I really should scratch but something always holds me back. It has slowly dawned on me. What I have to do, truth be told, is to get on with it. That means I have to get out of my own way, turn on the tap, and start in earnest. Well, at least, restart. A daunting thought but ultimately, the obvious one. I believe many of the art or forms of creativity that have not been expressed in the world are a result of those, like me, who get in their own way. To be creative you must find a way to just let it out. Find the key, open the door, and let it out. It is not always as easy as it sounds.

Miss Lemon portrait further along  by Amanda Coen - Parade Handmade
A work in progress: Miss Lemon was an inspirational rescue cat. I haven't historically painted animals much except for a sketch or two in school so it's as much a surprise to me that I can make some kind of a fist of it. 

My Artistic Journey

An early quick scenic sketch in Flyms Switzerland - Amanda Coen - Parade Handmade
An early quick scenic sketch in Flyms Switzerland - Amanda Coen
Recently, my husband pointed out something that I feel was quite profound. Something I hadn’t thought of. I was bemoaning the fact that from the time I left school I was single minded in a way. In those days I used to be much more feisty, energetic and fearless than today when it came to pursuing my art. I was single, skint and had big money problems but I had no fear or saw no impediments to moving forward. Eventually I was arranging exhibitions in far flung places, approaching people in business in Dublin or Barcelona to exhibit my work or to gain commissions. I just went with it. I was happy and brave and not that scared. Now everything seems hard and difficult and I feel so much more introverted than I used to feel. What he said was that back in those early days there were so many obstacles to overcome, I was very busy fighting to do just that. Overcome them. Now, there’s nothing actually in my way. What he meant was that the proverbial gate has been left open and I am now petrified to run through it. If I fail in any way, it’s down to me. If I can’t do it because I have no inspiration, inclination, or emotional energy, it is still all down to me. No excuses. No one else or nothing else to blame. Oh yes, he hit the nail on the head. 
An early sketch of our beautiful dog called Satin - Amanda Coen - Parade Handmade
A quick pencil sketch of our beloved pet called Satin, (because her coat was so shiny like black satin). Circa 1988. - Amanda Coen

Creativity flow will be required

So I’m going to do it. I am going to get out of my own way first. Then I’m going to paint. I need to find my voice again, see where my passions are at, see what I want to say. Of course, I have some thoughts on that subject but I will leave you with this much today.

I would love you to join me in my next few blog posts where I will share a little more about my artistic endeavours, adventures and yearnings in the early years. I will search out some early works to share with you too. Plus I will share a little more about current work underway and how my plans are playing out, assuming they are playing out. You will have to forgive me for having a little doubt.

Hit reply and let me know if you have had similar experiences or have any thoughts around creativity and the process of self-expression.

This post is the first of a series of five or so chronicling the stages of my artistic endeavours from a young age until now. 

Hit reply to send me your name and email address to get onto my Amanda Coen Art email list if you would like to get alerts for blog posts, to  follow along with my arty ups and downs in the future, get updates on the progress of my latest pieces, and receive general artsy commentary and musings.

Until next time, Amanda

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  • Hi Rebs, thank you for your great words of encouragement and unwavering support over all the years, (minus just 3. Imagine that!). 🩵


  • Always brave & courageous- sometimes life curves off & you are just bringing it back! Looking forwards to more reading & creations 💜

    Rebecca Coen

  • Hi Steven, you’re always a star, you have been there all along. I actually have something of yours that was gracing the walls of an exhibition hall, as you had to fly home. Somehow it hasn’t made it back to you…yet. ;-). Don’t be surprised to see a pic of it in the upcoming blog posts either! To address your question: Eventually, I hope to offer some of my work for sale though I have quite a bit of work to do first. Chat anon, Amanda


  • Always your biggest art fan 😍 I’m looking forward to the journey and output. Will the work be available for sale?

    Steve Small

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