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Art Inspirations – What Sparks My Imagination?

Amanda Coen

To me, art inspiration is life itself—everything I see, hear, and experience every day. That’s it in a nutshell, though a very dense one! Whatever inspires me in life will naturally inspire me artistically. But then comes the decision. Which ideas are worth pursuing, and which should remain as fleeting thoughts? Some concepts are best left undeveloped or unexplored. But so far, I’ve never found myself short of inspiration for paintings, sketches, jewellery, or even giftware designs. Life is a vast and boundless source of ideas—our only job is to filter and refine what calls to us.

Everyday Moments: The Art of Observation

Inspiration often arrives in the quiet moments of daily life. Let’s say I’m sitting on the bus when a woman gets on, having waited in the rain. The way she rearranges her hat and coat while rummaging for change, or the small smile she exchanges with the driver—these are fleeting but vivid snapshots of life. Such moments could inspire a painting, or at the very least, an exploratory sketch.

A café is another perfect place to observe the world without seeming too obtrusive. A child sharing a treat with a grandparent, two friends giggling over a funny story, someone stepping in from the cold for a warming cuppa—these small, seemingly insignificant interactions are full of character. I once saw a very stylish octogenarian in a car park in Castlebar. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. The way she carried herself, dressed in elegant finery on a miserable January day, struck me as something I’d love to capture in a painting.

Travelling fhome rom the Knit and Stitch Show - Parade Handmade

Shopping trips, too, are full of unexpected inspiration. People’s behaviours in different situations can be so telling—grown men dashing with ice cream cones, dogs determinedly dragging their owners along on walks, shoppers delighting in rummaging through bargain bins. And there’s something truly endearing about someone stepping out in a brand-new coat, brimming with pride. These moments that reflect our humanity are worth remembering, capturing, and possibly turning into art.

Nostalgia & Memory as Creative Fuel

Some of the most powerful inspirations come from our own past. Nostalgia has a way of magnifying certain moments, making them feel more vivid and meaningful over time. It allows us to revisit places, people, and emotions with a new perspective, often inspiring work that is deeply personal and evocative.

A simple conversation with an old friend—"Remember the day when…?"—can stir up long-forgotten images and emotions. I often think back to my school days in Dublin, making the daily trek on the bus with my closest school friend. The Ballyroan Road was an avenue of pink cherry blossoms in April and May, though of course we endured every season’s trials—heavy bags, hockey sticks, PE kits, and the endless chatter about life especially romance or the lack there off depending on the time.

I distinctly remember arriving late to an English class after a snowy morning’s struggle. We’d dried our soggy gabardines on the radiators, while discussing Shadows on Our Skin, a novel about life in Northern Ireland. Those moments—the snow, the struggle, the warmth of the classroom—are vivid memories I could easily translate onto canvas.

My memory though often visual is sometimes evoked by a scent, a song, or a texture and it transports me. The smell of rain-soaked earth, the sound of an old song from childhood, the feel of a well-worn book cover—these sensory experiences can trigger powerful images and ideas. It’s why I love revisiting old letters, sketchbooks, and photographs, not just for the nostalgia but for the creative sparks they ignite.

The Beauty in the Everyday

Art isn’t just inspired by grand, picturesque landscapes or dramatic events—it’s also found in the simplest things. Pretty flowers in a hedgerow, the ever-changing Irish sky, the way light filters through a window or falls in shadow across the floor, the expression on someone’s face when they think nobody’s watching the way a pattern appeals to you or the way two colours or shapes play off each other. Sparkly things, dotty things, contrasting things. Beauty is everywhere. Sometimes it's right beside ugly and the challenge is not just to notice it, but to pause long enough to translate it into art. The beauty or the ugly or perhaps there's beauty in the ugly. Perhaps art is not only beauty.

'Dancing with my husband to be' a sketch from a memory in Galway - Parade Handmade

Music, Words and Visual Prompts

Music has an undeniable power to spark creativity. Sometimes, when working on imaginative compositions, I’ll listen to a song, poem, or short piece of writing and let the imagery it conjures take shape in my mind. Other times, I’ll work directly from reality—a photo, a scene in front of me, or even a fleeting glance at something striking.

And then, there’s the most instinctive method of all. Working from a blank canvas. I love to begin with a single mark and let intuition guide me, allowing the image to emerge organically. It can be both exhilarating and unnerving, as I never know what will reveal itself. It’s a little like streaming consciousness onto a canvas, a freeing experience that can lead to surprising, deeply personal results.

What Inspires You?

I find inspiration in the everyday, the nostalgic, the unnoticed details. Often the unremarkable. But what about you? What sparks your imagination and makes you want to create? Whether it’s music, memories, people-watching, or nature, I’d love to hear what fuels your creativity.

Warm wishes,

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